What to Expect
What is the preaching like at Bethany?
Preaching God’s Word is central to our worship on Sunday mornings. We believe the scriptures speak to all times and events. At Bethany, we typically preach through books of the Bible from both the Old and New Testaments.
What is the music like at Bethany?
We choose music based on how it aligns with God’s revelation through His word.
We believe worship is the right response to the God who created us and revealed Himself to us. We respond to God’s revelation by singing as a body of believers as an act of worship. We respond to the preaching of God’s Word as an act of worship. We pray as a response to God’s revelation of Himself as an act of dependent worship. The music style is a secondary concern as long as the songs serve to facilitate worship in accordance with His revelation. You can expect the music, scripture readings, and sermon to be consistent in message in accordance with the prayerful preparation given to each gathering. As a result, there is a mix of contemporary songs and hymns that we sing which are consistent with the sermon each Sunday.
How do people dress on Sunday Morning?
We have people from different cultures, races, generations, and experiences that create a diverse representation of how people dress. We by no means have a dress code! There are people in suits while others wear shorts. Please do not let attire keep you from joining us!
Are the people friendly at Bethany?
One of the things we hope you will experience is the warmth of our faith family. It will be evident that you are welcome regardless of whether you are a visitor or member. If you have questions about the church feel free to ask the people around you. You will find they make time to help you get the answers.